Electric Gate Safety
Electric gate safety is one of the biggest reasons to have your automated gates installed by a professional installer like Climate Autogates because of the sheer experience and knowledge that we have around minimising risk. Being a CAMESAFE Installer (ID #2445), having years of specialisation in gate automisation as well as passing stringent manufacturer installation standards means that Climate Autogates will offer you peace of mind well after we have delivered your safety certificate and left your premises.
Safety is always our number on priority when designing the installation and the consistent end usage of our gates. A thorough risk assessment is carried out which takes into account:
- Current Health & Safety Regulations, Requirements & Recommendations
- The Location, Site Environment and the Expected Usage of The Gates
- The type of Gate, Barrier or Bollard proposed to suit the installation.
- Risks which could be attributed to both users and passers-by
In addition to the above, every one of our installations conforms to the Door and Hardware Federation Gate Safety Guide. Download a copy of this for yourself or read more about how choosing Climate Autogates for your automated gate installation ensures that you are putting safety first.

Primary Safety Beams are fitted in all of our installations to detect obstructions between Gate Posts or Brick Piers
Secondary Safety Beams or Underground Safety Induction Loops are fitted beyond the swing of the Gate to detect objects within the Swing of the Gate
We always ensure there are no sharp edges or other hazards that could cause injury or damage to people or other objects
We fit deformable Safety Edges where appropriate to posts, walls pillars and fences to detect obstacles at potential pinch points
We Fit all our Control boards In a Lockable Weatherproof cabinet (Located on the inside of the gateway)
We use 24 Volt DC Operators for both Swing and Sliding gates with encoder controlled obstacle detection built-in, which means when the gate feels the resistance of a person or object it will reverse away.
Hover over each point to learn how having your Automatic gates installed by an approved installer such as Climate Autogates means that you can rest assured that all legislation will be met or exceeded and that any operating risk is minimised thanks to the in-depth knowledge, vast experience and high training standard of all Climate Autogates installers.